Tutorial MRS AED & AED Remote 1.0
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3 selectable AED modes
- Manual mode: analysis & shock delivery by user
- Semi-automatic: auto-analysis every 2 minutes, manual shock delivery
- Fully automatic: analysis and delivery of shock by AED
Function overview
- Graphic display of the ECG waveform
- Voice output in English or German
- CPR metronome and QRS tone selectable
- Display of duration of use, time, number of shocks, heart rate, analysis countdown
- In conjunction with a compatible CPR feedback device, display of pressure depth
System settings
- System name and connection mode for coupling with AED Remote
- AED modes: Manual, semi-automatic, fully automatic
- 5 initial rhythms: sinus, asystole, PEA, (p)VT and ventricular fibrillation
- Number of shocks required for shockable rhythms until conversion
- Waveform display, QRS tone and CPR metronome selectable
- Compatible feedback device and compression depth (child/adult) adjustable
Remote App (optional, recommended)
- Medical Rescue Sim AED Remote available as an option
- Remote control with second iOS device
- Our recommendation for optimal practical use
- Coming soon